Raku ceramics: objects of art and handmade design

The history of raku pottery is lost in the early sixteenth century and is closely linked to the tea ceremony, so dear to the Japanese people.
The term Raku derives from the name of one of the most authoritative families of master potters (Rikyu) and literally means "Living nature with joy and harmony".

Everything is based on philosophies:
Raku's Fundamentals are based on the tea ceremony principles, and can be summarised in three basic concepts based on simplicity, frugality of life ( wabi-sabi ), veneration of nature, and inner and outer harmony.

Kei, respect, attention to people and objects
Jaku, inner serenity
Sei, purity, understood both as purity of spirit and as an absolute cleanliness of the image of all objects

The mastercraft:
The core characteristic of Raku is to give life to unique products, with non-reproducible and hard to predict color effects.

The results are vases, cups, and sculptures that perfectly trace the oriental style craftsmanship, with clean and simple lines, but with great charm.

The unpredictability of the Raku technique means that every time the creation is extracted from the foliage or passed under water, the piece is unique in its essence.

This fact, together with the craftsmanship of the clay, makes each creation visibly special: each object has its own history, is unrepeatable and acquires value and beauty for this very reason.